Poga Moonga Juice, the only TRUE, whole food supplement!
Poga Moonga Juice is just another overpriced, sugary, watered down, juice supplement! NOT! If you look at all the so-called natural supplements that have been coming out over the last 5 years, you’ll see just that. Sure some are good sources of antioxidants, which are very important to good health but none of them are a complete whole food supplement. What is the difference between a supplement and a whole food supplement? Well, supplements, are just that, a product to help boost specific areas, where you might be lacking things, that effect your over all health.
For instance, lets say, you feel run down and lack energy; a good vitamin supplement would be great. What if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, a good antioxidant like pomegranate juice, would be a great supplement for that. What if you have stomach problems like acid reflux, Aloe Vera is a great supplement for any digestive problems and also at keeping your immune system strong. You can even purchase a good amino acid supplement which will help repair and build muscle tissue along with creating new cells which are the building blocks of life. These are all great natural supplements, geared towards one part of your total health needs.
Then there’s a whole food supplements, which are great because they contain everything your body needs to be healthy. There aren’t many real whole food supplements available. In a whole food supplement you get all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, immune system building, antibiotics and more your body needs to truly be healthy. There’s no guessing what you need, how much of what you need to take because everything you need is in one supplement.
Now you can go out and buy an amino acid supplement, an antioxidant supplement, a vitamin supplement, an immune system building and antibacterial supplement, a vitamin supplement or whatever combination you might think you need. But wouldn’t it be much easier to just purchase one supplement, a whole food, natural supplement that will provide you with every thing you need to stay healthy? Well there is one that I have personally tried and have been amazed with. Not to mention most of my family and friends are using it and they are amazed also. And everyone is using it for different ailments. It’s simply amazing.
I use it for my stomach problems, sleep and energy. My friend is using it to control his cholesterol and high blood pressure. My dad is using it for acid reflux. My fiancée is using it for her asthma. My mom is using it for her arthritis and my aunt is using it for her IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). We are all using it because it has truly changed what was ailing us for the better. My friend’s doctor can’t believe his cholesterol and blood pressure are this low. My dad isn’t taking pills that cost $6.00 each for his acid reflux. My fiancée isn’t using the neubulizer she was using for her asthma (she was hospitalized 2 times last year for it). My aunt has been suffering with IBS for 4 years, till now and there won’t be a morning, unless I’m dead that I will miss my 3 oz. shot.
I have never seen one product, truly help so many people with so many different ailments. All I know if it is helping other people with things that aren’t even wrong with me, I can only imagine how healthy I will be form using this product. If you use supplements now, that’s great but once your truly amazed by the power of a true, natural, whole food supplement, any other supplement won’t be able to compare. All you need to do is try it for yourself, for 30 days, and see what healthy truly feels like.
What do you have to loose but being healthy and if it’s not all I say it is, you can always go back to your supplement you take now. But if it is, you like the other people I have introduced this to, will not be able to thank me enough. Together we can break the “drug company rat till you die” syndrome and take back control of our health, now and in the future. Poga Moonga Juice, It’s just your health”.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
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